Tuesday, May 27, 2008

My week in photos...

I saw a huge internet celebrity on my way to work - Mr Peter Pan!

Had to pull over when I saw this.... anyone who knows Alan would laugh.

The TShirt booth at a Cluster concert....

Iron Maidens (female Iron Maided tribute band we saw - truly great fun)

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Glastonbury Mudfest !!

We played at the UK's most (in)famous festival; Glastonbury. Great crowd and lotsa great music. But the MUD was SO SO SO SO bad. Not that they can control the weather, but pick a better place for it or something... imagine walking through 14" deep chocolate pudding,

Catering tent for the rock stars and crews. Yuk.
Orchestral players near the stage!
Backstage for the rockstars - a nice walkway!
7am (our load in after leaving Liverpool at 2 am!). Good thing the breakfast tent was over a mile away. Yum.